The BLOC Podcast
The BLOC (Building Learning and Organizational Culture) Podcast is a useful learning and development podcast where Dr Heidi Kirby talks to professionals in the field who are passionate about finding creative, innovative ways to bring learning front and center at their organizations and beyond.
The BLOC Podcast
104: Freelancing in Learning and Development with Linnéa Sjögren
Linnéa Sjögren is a Stockholm-based educational training professional passionate about creating learning opportunities. With extensive experience in planning, developing, delivering, and evaluating various types of training, she creates everything from classroom training to blended learning and e-learning.
Having worked in organizations that haven't always had the resources to hire external support, Linnéa has developed the skills to build everything from start to finish. Instructor materials, participant materials, exercises, videos, audio files, podcasts, and infographics are just a few of the things she can produce.
More about her work can be found at www.linneasjogren.se, and her educational tips are available under the hashtag #pedagogiskaverktygsladan or at www.pedagogiskaverktygsladan.wordpress.com.
Linnéa's suggestion on honing in on your freelance skills? Ask your favorite AI or a friend "What it is I do that is so great?"
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